I suppose "last minute thoughts" implies something is being thought prior to something else, or at the terminus of some other event. In this case it refers to thoughts I'm having prior to dragging my carcass off to bed at 4:45 in the morning after another long night of working to wrap-up a project. The thing is, I'm not quite sure what those last thoughts were, and after spending far too much effort explaining the title to this post, I'm quite certain the thoughts have now successfully escaped me, never to return until I'm quite comfortable in bed, at which point I'll be unwilling to get up and make a note of what it was that was on my mind.
Oh wait, I do recall it had to do with a comment on a post of mine from early September. I was going to discuss how no one reads this blog, and yet when someone does stumble across it they take the time to wander that far back into the blog. One would think that after skimming through a few of the latest posts, people would get bored and move on. I know I do.
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