It's time again to clean out the file-drawer and wade through stacks of paperwork in order to prepare my tax-return. It's not as dreadful as, say, visiting a proctologist whose hands are the size of catcher's mitts, to be certain, but it's a disagreeable chore nonetheless. It's all that . . . math, which I dislike. I've been told artists use the side of their brain opposite that which handles all the math and computational duties, i.e., artists, in general, have weak math skills. I'm not so sure this is an accurate generality, but it certainly applies to yours truly. I think the thing I find most objectionable is the need for accuracy. It's not like one can just say, "well, I made around this much, give or take a couple grand". Ballpark-figure is a term entirely foreign to IRS agents. They're far too persnickety for my taste.
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