Well, it's almost here, at any rate. Tomorrow evening is Preview Night at the San Diego Comic Con ('Geek-Fest' to some). I'm one of the fortunate souls who live within driving distance (it's about a two-hour drive south of my home, to be precise), and a buddy of mine is putting me up for a couple of nights (he lives about an hour north of the convention center, but it saves me on the cost of petrol, which means more cabbage for books). I pity the poor wretches who have to make a major travel vacation of the trip. Hotels and parking can be a nightmare.
Speaking of parking, I'll be leaving here quite early so I can park under the convention center, rather than having to park some remote distance. Lugging a load of booty (as in "pirate booty", not "big bum") many blocks away can be a burden, and it's so convenient being able to scamper down to my vehicle to dispense all my findings within, unloading my burden so that I can go back up and refill my bag. I'm always looking forward to the post-Con time when I can enjoy all the material. Am I just preaching to the choir here? Aren't all attendees eager to get home to pour over their stuff? Anyway, I'm looking forward to the Bud Plant booth, my first stop to do a cash drop, armed with their latest catalog (which I highlighted profusely). This year I plan to actually attend some of the seminars, which I always plan on doing but which I never seem to get around to because I'm usually too busy shopping for cool stuff (I'll report on some of my acquisitions when I return).
In any event, I suppose I can finally let the cat out of the bag, for those with whom I have yet to share. I was contacted by the Creative/PR Director of the Con to do the cover of the Events Guide. This year will be the first year they produce it in color. Hopefully it'll offer some good exposure. Hopefully I can grab a stack of these for my family and friends. In the meantime, "See you at the Con!"
Congrats! The cover looks great, and don't be so humble as to minimize how COOL it was that you, my friend, were THE CHOSEN ONE for THE COVER! Have fun...I got your pre-programmed e-mail back and just remembered that you were in Heaven this week ;-)
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