Well, that was a short break. I'm back to posting photos. Hey, what d'ya want from me anyway? It's not like I don't have an online portfolio to post my artwork. Might as well post my photography here (okay, I do have a Flickr account, but no one would likely ever find that unless I told them).
Moving right along... I thought I'd post a portrait I shot of the wife. This isn't one of the more provocative images I shot of her, but for some reason it's one of my favorites -- so far (since I intend to shoot lots more hard-drive-consuming photos whenever the opportunity presents itself). I really dig b&w photography, and if I could only pick one, I'd pick b&w over color any day. It isn't that color photos aren't great, it's just that there's some mystery to b&w that I find appealing. Anyway, since this is my space, I'm going to post whatever I dang well please.
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