Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007

The Website ––
Well, I finally pulled the trigger on this project (I've always wanted to use that phrase––that and "jump the shark").
Sooooo, deciding how to design this thing or what to include was difficult, because I can't obviously throw everything I've ever illustrated into it. And for those wondering about the "flooglemop" thing, there's an explanation in a posting somewhere below this.
You'd better all hope this brings me some work, otherwise I'll be calling all of you to sell you Amway soap. . . Just kidding.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Saturday, August 4, 2007
So, What's a "flooglemop"?
Wanting to avoid the usual, unimaginative, first name/last initial/cup-size that most people seem to default into, I searched for something different (I actually didn't try, but I figured that username was probably already being used by a guy in striped pajamas who turns KFC sporks into shivs and trades them for candy-bars).
And then I recalled a term I encountered in a Guitar World magazine from way back in '85 (amazing, the useless information we recall). The article quoted a stanza from the following poem (imagine this read in a 60's coffeehouse, bebop jazz providing background ambiance along with the sound of snapping fingers, and the word "daddy-O" being uttered between drags on one of the few things that can still produce death-by-sucking).
The songs that erupt
Are gist of the posey,
Come by themselves, hark,
Stark as prisoners in a cave
Let out to sunlight, ragged
And beautiful when you look close
And see underneath the beards
the holy blue eyes of humanity
And brown.
The stars on high sing
songs of their own, in motion
that doesn't move, real,
Unreal, sinsong, spheres:––
But human peotries
With God as their design
Sing with another law
Of spheres & ensigns
And rip me a blues,
Son, blow me a bob,
Let me hear 'bout heaven
in Brass Fluglemop
–– Jack Kerouac's
195th Chorus from
Mexico City Blues
(242 Choruses)
I suspect the "Fluglemop" here is a reference to a fluglehorn, a brass instrument that resembles a cornet, but with a wider bore.
Anyway, I originally used that spelling, but for reasons long forgotten I respelled it. Since then I've used the term for a children's book character of mine.
As it turns out, finding an unregistered domain name is as difficult as finding an available AOL username. turns out to be available (probably not for long), but I figured 'flooglemop' has served me well thus far, so I decided to stick with it.
So there you have it. Mystery solved. Now quit asking.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Just returned last weekend from the ComiCon, which has really morphed into a MediaCon or Pop-Culture-Con, which is why it's bloated to the point that you have to shove your way through the isles like a spawning salmon trying to swim up a stream of sweaty pudding.
Somehow I managed to spend only half the fortune I normally burn on art books ––the Bud Plant booth being the main reason I attend. Either I'm becoming more discriminating, or I'm just running out of shelf space, the latter being the likely reason for my moderation––well, that, and being broke.