Monday, July 27, 2009

By now, everyone is blogging about their experience at the San Diego Comic Con. Though I had a four-day pro pass, I only attended Wednesday (preview night) and Thursday. My funds were sufficiently low such that I couldn't go on a book-buying rampage. Prior to attending, however, I fortuitously found an unused $20 gift certificate from Bud Plant -- WHOO HOO! That'll pay for one book... almost.
The economy must be taking its toll, because Bud Plant's booth was only half the usual size, a reduction I've never before witnessed since attending the Con. Perhaps it's Amazon and the internet that are the culprits, but either way, I'd hate to see Bud Plant fold.
Overall, there was little new to get me excited. Maybe because I went with the mindset that, because I can't purchase anything, I ought not get too attached to anything. Maybe that was it. I dunno.
I took my camera on preview night, but that proved too much, what with my shoulder bag and other giveaway bag to carry, so I left it home on Thursday. Consequently, I took almost no pictures at all. About the only photo I have to post is of this jolly fellow who appears to be --were such a thing possible-- the love child of Sidney Greenstreet and Carrot Top. You be the judge.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Another doodle study for an illustration I had in mind. I began to color this, but then stopped because the composition wasn't really right, and I had an idea for a different direction in which to take this. What you see here is a cropped version of a larger drawing.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Here's something I quickly doodled whilst sitting around at the Edge of L.A. Con in Claremont's Packing House.
Don't try to read too much into this. There's no story here -- just a girl...sitting next to a the woods...drawing the interest of curious critters.
This is the kind of nonsense one sketches when faced with a creative block. When in doubt, draw an attractive girl and cute animals. Someone's bound to like it.

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July

Here's a shot of the wife getting her face painted at a July 4th event at church. I know those look like flowers -that's what I thought they were, too-- but, no, those are not flowers. They're supposed to be fireworks. Go figure. There's only so much one can paint well on a face, I guess.
On another note, I decided to pull most of my pics from Flickr. Not that there's anything wrong with Flickr, but it takes time that I don't really have to be hanging around there. Besides, if anyone wants to see my pics, they probably already know me and can ask me personally. Otherwise, I guess I can continue posting pics here on occasion. Eventually, I hope to add a section to the site where I can just post images, but funds are scarce and don't allow for that at present.