Thursday, September 27, 2007

After an afternoon at Disneyland with the clan I always feel motivated to create . . . but not so motivated that I was going to take an hour out of my day to draw something new to post. So here's another page out of the Cozmo comic files...

Cozmo was a character created for use on giftware, with the hope that I could expand it into comics, picture books, and other things. This one-page strip was done as promotional material, but was never used.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Some people have asked about the philosophy behind my work. My art represents a vibrant, colorful love of the harmonious beauty of the sublime social awareness of nature's roots within the subconsciousness of blah, blah, yada, yada, and whatever other artsy-fartsy blather pretentious folk enjoy reading.

Truth of it is, my artwork really represents a way to keep Sugar-Frosted-Chocko-Cruncho-Snappy-Puffy-Fruity-Flakes on the breakfast table for the kiddies. And if you want to help put them into a brand-spanking new pair of Wheel-O Springy Blinky Sneakers, visit my Store when it's finally up-and-running and drop some hard-earned shekels –– that is, if there's anything left after the socialists in government get through sucking the life out of your paycheck. 

How's that for profundity?