I'm doing a few b&w pieces for my agent's website. It's been a while since I've done much ink work, but it's fun. The difficult part is deciding whether to use technical pens, brushes, pen & ink, or a combination of the lot. And which to use depends on the style or look one wants to achieve. At this point, I'm just trying to get back up to speed, because I've been away from the medium for a while.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009

Here's another shot I captured with my handy-dandy 50D. This virtuoso was at the beach singing to, well, anyone who would stop and listen. George Harrison's guitar may gently weep, but this guy's axe loudly begs. Business must be good on this spot, because his "donation" cup is an empty Starbuck's container, and from the way he was singing and carrying on I'd say he was well caffeinated. On the other hand, maybe the caffeine is meant to provide energy as he trains for the Tour de France on his trusty Red Ryder beach-cruiser (apparently, this guy really digs red). So if you happen to be at Newport Beach and are lucky enough to encounter this musical Olympian, be sure to drop some green into his cup and help fund another round of venti lattes. Thursday, May 21, 2009

So I drove the family to Newport Beach yesterday to get out of the house and away from it all for a day. Nothing like getting some sun and waves to recharge the ol' batteries, and all for free... except for the price of a few gallons of petrol. All I had to do was tune out the complaining and whining, endure sand-paper-like abrasion between the toes, avoid stepping on broken glass, and constantly check the time so as to avoid getting another government extortion note on my window because some meter-maid-goon got to my vehicle before I could return to feed the meter-beast and pacify its insatiable hunger for my hard-earned quarters. Besides all that, it was a grand day out. Naturally, I took the Canon. Here's a shot of a complete stranger walking along the rocks. I was hoping she'd fall so I could get a really cool, candid, accident shot, but nothing of the sort ever materialized.
On another note, here's an interesting video on Canon lenses.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I just finished a "manga" for Z2H, though I really don't know how manga-ish it is, considering my own drawing style eventually makes itself present at some point. The writer was very pleased with the effort, so I guess I did something right.
This image here is a portfolio piece for my agent's website.
I've still been entertaining myself with the camera. What a time-consuming hobby that turned out to be.