I decided to resurrect a comic-strip character I had created over a decade ago and actually try to create enough strips to submit to the large syndicates. King Features picks up only three out of the more than five-thousand submissions they get annually. So, yeah, getting picked up by them is about as likely as getting struck by lightening... while wearing a rubber diving-suit... while standing in the desert... during a drought season... at high noon.
Those familiar with the character (that would be ME, since I'm the only one reading this), will notice the hair-cut. I figured since I had to grow up and trim the locks, BeBop may as well grow up also. It was inevitable. But being married with children sure gives me a lot of material on which to draw. If, after submitting to all the syndicates, I still can't get the strip picked up (which will be entirely consistent with my fortune), I'll probably just post the strips on this blog. May as well do something with it besides wallpapering my studio.
Hey Bro! I do remember Bebop, and the FIRST thing I noticed, even before your script loaded up, was the haircut! Funny. I'm looking forward to seeing the strip...always thought it was hilarious. I still regale people with the blank canvas in the museum one.
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