Tuesday, June 30, 2009


So I was asked why, on my late night photography outing, I didn't shoot pics at Victoria Gardens. Fact is, Victoria Gardens doesn't allow photographers to shoot pics of the place. If you so much as attempt to position a viewfinder in front of your peeper, security forces in black garb will repel down from silent helicopters hovering overhead and hurl spinning ninja stars into your carcass right before they shock you into submission with tazer-powered cattle-prods. They're touchy like that.
HOWEVER, I actually did make Victoria Gardens my first stop of the evening, even knowing they don't allow pictures, and that I was risking third-degree burns by trying to shoot there. I tried hiding my camera under my coat, but it's so bulky that I must have looked like a terrorist trying to find a place to leave a suitcase bomb. Knowing that shooting pics there was a covert operation, I avoided the streets and positioned myself on the top of the stairs at the multi-level parking structure. I took this photo of the library window from there... right before a security vehicle spotted me from the bottom of the parking structure. I noticed they immediately headed for the top of the structure, but being on the stairs, I was able to scamper down before they could make it to the top. I noticed, as they made their way toward my position on the stairs, that they approached with their yellow lights flashing, with the likely intent to get my attention, implying that I should halt until they reached me. Yeah, as if. So I scurried down the stairway and walked quickly away-- notice that I said I "walked" quickly away. Had I run, I probably would have looked guilty of, well, trying to plant a suitcase bomb or something. Anyway, I ducked between buildings, feeling like ever the fool, because, frankly, I'm too old to be running and maneuvering around buildings, trying to avoid the fuzz.
I made my way to my vehicle via a way that took me right in front of the police/security station--my thought being that, should they notice me, they'd never suspect the person they were chasing to stroll right in front of them while simultaneously trying to avoid them. Anyway, I made my escape having only shot about three pictures. At least one can sleep secure knowing that, should Victoria Gardens ever decide to schedule airline flights from off the roof of their parking structure, they have a vigilant security team.

Monday, June 29, 2009

So, a week ago, around this same time, I was restless, couldn't sleep, and decided to wander out into the empty streets and shoot some pics. Normally, walking at night wouldn't bother me, but doing so loaded with an expensive camera and lenses made me nervous. The economy being what it is, people are desperate out there. The last thing I wanted was to run into a gaggle of geeks roaming the streets on electric scooters, and who might not mind knocking me over for my equipment so they could pawn it off and use the money to buy college text-books -- college books being a scam if there ever was one.
Be that as it may, I went to the village in Claremont and shot this nice, lonely corner. It was my favorite shot of the evening. Something very noir-ish about it, I guess. Anyway, just thought I'd share...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

So the San Diego Con is almost here... Well, okay, there's one month to go, but what's a month? I'm only going to be a looky-loo this year, what with my wallet being as dry as it's been, and work being scarce to boot. I guess not everyone is hurting, because four-day passes sold out like the proverbial hot-cakes. Be that as it may, I'm sure even the Con will feel some kind of hit, even if it means "big spenders" like me will be doing more looking than purchasing.
On top of that, this will be the first year the souvenir book will be printed in color, and being the dope that I am, I forgot to submit fan art for the anniversary section -- DOH!
On the bright side, the cover I did for them last year will be included in their 40th Anniversary book --Woo Hoo!

I'll be dragging a portfolio with me, as usual. And, as usual, it will probably do me no good. But one never knows where or when opportunity will knock.
I also think I may take a camera for the first time and take a gazillion shots. Maybe I'll even take a shot of Lou Ferrigno without his permission. The guy actually charges people to take his picture. His head is apparently the size of both his biceps put together. Anyway, I'll probably post pics here when I get back. But I'm jumping the gun a bit, I guess. There's still a month to go...

Friday, June 19, 2009


Seriously though, does anyone really waste their time on Twitter? I created an account the first time I read about it and how it's the "new" thing in networking. I immediately wondered why I even bothered. Almost no other online networking site has helped my business other than, perhaps, LinkedIn. I barely have time to write a lot of nonsense here, where only three people will read this. Imagine the time wasted logging on to Twitter to notify --who? myself?-- that I just ate a moldy slice of pizza left over from last night's bunko game. Well, no thank you. Life's short enough and time is at a premium, what with a wife, four kids, and creditors vying for my attention.
For those who enjoy twittering, "no offense". If you really have that much time on your hands, however, you can come to my house, sit in my yard, and alert me every time you see a weed taking root.


Monday, June 8, 2009

I decided to resurrect a comic-strip character I had created over a decade ago and actually try to create enough strips to submit to the large syndicates. King Features picks up only three out of the more than five-thousand submissions they get annually. So, yeah, getting picked up by them is about as likely as getting struck by lightening... while wearing a rubber diving-suit... while standing in the desert... during a drought season... at high noon.
Those familiar with the character (that would be ME, since I'm the only one reading this), will notice the hair-cut. I figured since I had to grow up and trim the locks, BeBop may as well grow up also. It was inevitable. But being married with children sure gives me a lot of material on which to draw. If, after submitting to all the syndicates, I still can't get the strip picked up (which will be entirely consistent with my fortune), I'll probably just post the strips on this blog. May as well do something with it besides wallpapering my studio.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I've about had it with being told to "go green", and with being told to drive green cars, to use green energy, to eat green eggs and ham, and to be friendly to green aliens. And while everything else is going green, paper currency is turning shades of pinkish-orange, or some other "fall" color, indicating the economy is doing a brody. Anyway, about the only green I'm interested in are green frogs. And even then, I'd prefer if they wore plaid.